October 06, 2021
The cold season is slowly but surely creeping in. As the temperatures go down we tend to spend more time indoors which makes us more susceptible to germs that spread bacteria and viruses. Heading into this time of year its important to strengthen our immune systems through small changes in our daily habits. In addition to maintaining a good diet, getting plenty of sleep, and managing our stress levels, we can use nature to help optimize our health. One of our absolute favorite ingredients for this time of year is Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil, a highly effective immune supporter.
So how is Cinnamon Bark different from other cinnamon essential oils?
There are 3 varieties of cinnamon essential oils including: Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Leaf and Cinnamon Cassia. If you are looking for the variety with the strongest immune supporting properties, look no further than Cinnamon Bark! Cinnamon Casia actually comes from a different plant that’s essentially a cheaper cousin variety of cinnamon. Cinnamon Leaf has benefits as well but none compare to Cinnamon Bark.
It takes four years for a cinnamon tree to produce cinnamon bark that is ready for harvest. Once the bark is harvested, it must be delicately hand stripped to expose the inner bark. These layers are then dried in the sun and used to create cinnamon sticks which are then dried for many more days. Finally, after this labor and time extensive process, the bark is steam distilled to give us Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil as we know it.
Antibacterial & Antiseptic - The most important properties to look for in an essential oil for immune support are antibacterial and antiseptic. Since Cinnamon Bark has both of these, it can help boost your body’s natural defenses against cold season’s common germs including the influenza virus. In fact, its strong antibacterial properties make it a safe, effective, and non-toxic alternative to preservatives in cleaning solutions, cosmetics and toiletries.
Antimicrobial & Antiviral - Cinnamon Bark is also packed with higher levels of cinnamaldehyde which increase its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It can help support healthy metabolic function and promote healthy circulatory function which both help to strengthen the immune system.
Our favorite and easy way to incorporate Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil into our everyday immune boosting practices is through our Protector Essential Oil Roll-on. Protector not only contains Cinnamon Bark, but also contains a curated blend of immune boosting and infection preventing essential oils to keep you feeling your healthiest all season long. Add a few drops of our undiluted Protector Essential Oil blend to your diffuser and benefit from the many benefits of cinnamon in your home, office or favorite space.
September 25, 2024
October 03, 2023
September 28, 2023
Our hair is one of the first things people notice about us, and how it looks affects our confidence. You may be looking for natural solutions to add to your hair care routine to nourish and enhance. In this article, we'll share with you our top three essential oil roll-ons for hair growth, moisturizing, and maintenance.
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